
Games & Lego

This is mostly stuff relating to video games, of which my favourite genre is RPG, with FPS's and puzzle games also being close contenders (also platformers as of recent I guess??). I'll occasionally talk about board/tabletop games too — my favourite being Scrabble because I'm a nerd. Every once in a while, whenever I get a Lego set (either discounted from a physical store or secondhand on eBay), I'll also write a review for it here! Don't expect much though, it'll mostly just be me saying "this sure is a pretty neat set :)" stretched across 1.5 screenfuls of text, poorly.

Video Games

I'm too lazy to properly title these, so I guess I'll do them next year. :P

Board Games

Same as above.


I've been playing with these for practically my entire life. :) I'll most likely try do reviews of sets, maybe also of individual pieces if I'm feeling extra productive. I'll also always make sure to feature my li'l Lego goat :3 gotta get my money's worth lol.

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