

Here's where you'll be able to find all the pages relating to my main interest: technology!

It mostly consists of me rambling about old electronics such as computers and calculators, but I'll also be talking about modern stuff, or (rarely) electrical and/or mechanical devices. As well as the hardware, I've got sections dedicated to programming (there're also going to be software reviews on my blog when it's done lol).


This is where you'll find stuff relating to the plethora of old computer systems I collect, mostly either PCs, portables, or some 8-bit Commodore micros.

Modern Computing

I also enjoy doing stuff with modern computers. :3


I absolutely love calculators, both electronic and otherwise, because I'm a massive nerd.

Other Retro Devices

Here're some devices and thingies that don't quite fit in with the other retro stuff, but are nonetheless of similar age.


Finally, programming. I have no clue what I'm doing. :) Most of what I do is in some dialect of BASIC or QBASIC, though I'm beginning to use assembly (poorly), as well as the occasional APL or Uiua (aka queer APL).

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